
Freestanding fireplaces - Where to buy online

There are many outdoor fireplaces on the market today and many of them quite good. If you are looking to buy a freestanding fireplace, your best bet is to start your search online. With a variety of brands, such as Vermont Casting, DBG Fireplaces and Remington to name a few, you'd be best to do some comparison shopping first.

As with an interior fireplace a freestanding model for outdoor use can be bought to run as either gas or wood burning. Vermont Casting for example, makes both types, whereas other manufacturers specialize and warrant their gas freestanding fireplaces only, but can convert it to wood fire, if desired.

What about installation of the freestanding models?

Take a look at the website and contact the dealers near you for more information. In the case of a smaller outfit such as DBG Fireplaces, you can get all of the information: pricing, shipping costs and installation facts, from their website.

But basically assembling one of their fireplaces is an easy 3-step process:

  • Position mantle over base
  • Position chimney
  • Finish placement and bolt everything into place

Take a look at www.exteriorfireplaces.com for more information about their freestanding models.


Also see; Kiva fireplaces and exterior fireplaces

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Outdoor Fire pit Review
Outdoor fire pit review - There are many quality made fire pits being sold on the market today giving you a lot of choice! For the best selection and price of fire pits, the Internet is the best shopping source. You will not find a wide selection of outdoor fireplaces and brands or models at a patio, barbeque, or home center store.


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