
Charcoal grills - You've got to own one!

Charcoal grills
- the backyard chef's favorite challenge is to create the perfect grilling fire and produce a mouthwatering smoky taste! As popular as ever, 80% of all American households have a barbeque grill, and about 47% are cooking with good old charcoal. With brands such as Weber, clearly the most popular charcoal grill sold as well as a household name, one might dismiss other quality charcoal grillers. But brands such as Brinkman and Hibachi are sought-after as are lesser known charcoal grillers: Arctic, Meco, Aussie, Texas Pit Masters, Uniflame, Capital, Thermos, Fire Magic and others.

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The growing trend in outdoor grilling

The growing trend in outdoor cooking continues and ever-increasingly there is a need to satisfy lifestyle choices of those who love to grill. For portable barbequing, you can shop for an easy carrying charcoal barbeque with lock lid, convenient for camping and picnics.

For outdoor kitchens, built in charcoal grillers are available with medium and large cooking surfaces.

For the deck or patio, here are some popular features to consider:

  • dual purpose thermometers
  • steel cart frames
  • wire bottom shelves
  • tool holders
  • side tables
  • gas starter assists
  • charcoal bag holders

In addition, barbeque manufacturers are constantly enhancing barbeques. An example, adding a hinged cooking grate that pivots to make it easier to add briquettes.

If you're shopping for a charcoal griller, you can choose from the many types and styles. Getting started by Knowing that you are looking for a stainless steal or cast iron grill is a good way to get started.

What size to buy?

However, keep in mind how you will be using your grill. Will you be entertaining and cooking for many people? Just a few? What kinds of foods you will be barbequing is also a determining factor.

There are 3 cooking surface sizes:

  • small grill is 300 - 500 square inches
  • medium grill is 500 to 700 square inches
  • large is 700 square inches

If you're not sure what size to buy, best bet is to go slightly bigger!

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