
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Are you an outdoor fireplace store?
No, we do not sell anything directly on our website. However, for shopping purposes we do recommend you visit our preferred merchant, Amazon.com.

What is the purpose of this site?
We hope to provide you with quality information pertaining to outdoor fireplaces, patio heaters and grills including: types, brands and styles available. Hopefully this will help you to make a more informed buying decision.

Are there articles?
Yes, we include and will continue to include related articles throughout our site, sometimes as links within a page or on the side bar. You can also review our articles directory.

Do you accept outdoor fireplace articles, suggestions, and information?
Absolutely. Please email us: articles@outdoor-fireplaces-and-patio-heaters.com.

Why do you recommend Amazon?
We consider Amazon,to be a top rate Internet retailer of gardening supplies and accessories. They sell a terrific selection of quality outdoor heaters, fireplaces, chimineas, grills and fire pits. And their prices are hard to beat.


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