
Review: Weber Q Grill

The 36 pound Weber Q Grill is the perfect gas grill to take with you to your next tailgate party this summer. It's also an excellent compact grill for small spaces such as apartment decks or balconies.

And although being able to cook up 10 burgers at once on the Weber Q Grill doesn't sound like much of a feat, when you compare it to the selection of portable gas grills out there, you will find this one is, top of its game.

Weber Q Features:

The Weber Q is not going to cook up dinner for 15; nor is it the portable grill you want to carry-in on an extra long camping trip. No! The Weber Q is distinguished in other ways that make it desirable for the right situation.

If you're looking for quality, and with a grill, quality = performance, the Weber Q is great! Consumer Reports reviews this grill and recommends it.

Weber Q 200 Gas Grill

Portable gas grill with push-button ignition
and tuck-away work tables.

Price: $199.00

Eligible for FREE SHIPPING!

Top Rated Portable BBQ by Consumer Reports, June/07; and again, in Consumer Reports Buying Guide 2010

According to Consumer Reports Magazine, this is the portable gas grill to buy for performance. For features and convenience the Weber Q scored, "very good." And for bbq performance the Weber Q scored an "excellent" for cooking evenness as did this portable grill for the ability to handle low temperature grilling: if your grill doesn't do these 2-things, you may respectively be left with meat that's half cold and some where down the road, burned grilling.

Here are four nice features:

  • Easy-grip handles for portability
  • 2 durable tuck-away work tables with tool holders; conveniently folds to store inside the grill
  • An infinitely adjustable burner valve ensures even cooking
  • Push-button ignition; makes for easy and reliable lighting

Cost 2010:

The approximate retail cost of the Weber Q is $200. If you will be using the grill at home, splurge for the cart. This will support the grill and make it easier to use at the traditional grill height. Also, you will need to buy a tank of propane gas.

Also see:

Thermos Grill 2 Go
Portable gas grills
Outdoor gas grill general info


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