
Patio Heaters - Extend Your Time Entertaining Outside!

If you are looking to buy a patio heater online, the selection and quality has never been better! Popular outdoor heater brands include: Endless Summer, Uniflame, Garden Sun, Fire Sense, Dayva, Whalen, Arctic and Hammerstone. Each manufacturer designs both propane and natural gas patio heaters. They are designed for safety, function, durability and style. If you are shopping online, take a look at our selection.

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Find a complete selection of patio heaters on Amazon
Priced from: $174.49

We are pleased to recommend Amazon, one of the best online outdoor retailers offering a superb selection of patio heaters.

Trends: Propane Heaters offer Portability

Basically, there are two popular heating style options for your patio, pool or deck:

  • table top
  • residential/ commercial

If you are looking to heat a small patio or outdoor seating area, table top heaters work great. Table top heaters are sold in a number of styles. You can buy propane ones or electric ones. Prices range from $100 to $200. How much heat? Propane table top heaters generally provide radiant heat to a 10' circle. These heaters raise the outdoor temperature from 10 to 25 degrees. Safety concerns? Now a days most come with an "auto shut off tilt valve." Stay away from a product without one.

For larger patios and outdoor areas, opt for a portable residential or commercial heater. These heaters can effectively warm-up a 20' circle, (10 foot radius) adding about 10 to 25 degrees farenheit to the existing ambient temperature. Safety concerns? Most include safety tilt switches. Stay away from a heater without one. How much do they cost? Prices range from $175 to $500. What costs you? You will pay more for extra styling and detailing. Things like tables, wheels, or materials like stainless steel and copper can up the price.

Typical Features and Benefits

Stand up patio heater:

  • Completely self contained and portable
  • Provides clean draft-free circle of warmth
  • 100% safety control
  • Easy On/Off tank access
  • Weather resistant construction
  • Adjustable gas and heat output

Do you Need a Cover?

The answer here is yes to protect from the elements. While it's better to store a large standup outdoor heater inside during the cold rainy, snowy winter months, you can cover it with an outdoor heater cover during the months that you're using it. Make sure to protect the head from rain and other weather related conditions. Covers should be waterproof and be UV treated. They come in full length and/or sold seperately as skirt and top coverings. Learn more about patio heater covers.

Favorite Brands:

The above mentioned brands are leaders in outdoor heating. Additionally, if you are looking for a portable heater to bring to events-- it snaps together and has a convenient carrying case take a look at lightweight Zubri.

Another one, Arctic and Mr. heater

But who shops by brand for an outdoor heater anyway? If you're looking for quality, safety and reliability visit the above merchant. They carry it all under one roof and offer a low price guarantee.




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