
Outdoor Patio Heaters - Best heating choices available

Outdoor patio heaters- We all have our preferences, and buying a patio heater to keep you warm outside is no different. With the many brands and backyard heating choices available you shouldn't have a problem finding one that works for you.

Choices for the homeowner or restaurant

Consider first the area you're planning to heat: if you have a restaurant with tables outside or a patio area, several portable propane heaters spaced to radiate adequate warmth is the way to go. If you need to buy several, you can save money by shopping online. (Quantity discounts).

For the homeowner, more choices still. Electric patio heaters are available, but that means that you've got to plug in somewhere, not always convenient and then have a cord that people can trip over. A far better idea is buying a residential patio heater or table top model. Heating with residential and commercial models allows you to heat the outside 10 to 20 degrees more than the outdoor temperature. However, the circumference of warmth radiated from these units can only go so far. Check to see that you have adequate heating, especially in large spaces.

Brands to heat the backyard

Endless Summer by Blue Rhino

Types of Heat

Outdoor fireplaces

For more information about patio heaters, please click on the link.


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