
Outdoor Fireplace Designs - Build the Fireplace of your Dreams

Outdoor fireplace designs - With such a range of custom needs an outdoor fireplace design can go off in many directions. Take, for example, a homeowner looking for a set of blueprints of outdoor fireplaces to use as a prototype for their backyard hearth. These outside fireplace plans are hard to find; and unfortunately the Internet isn't much help.

Out-of-door hearth design and build options

What other options you ask: talk to local landscape architectural firms and find out whether designing and building an out-of-door fireplace is within their expertise. Take a look at magazines and cut out pictures of outside hearths and fireplaces you like to make it easier to explain.

From the elaborate pizza oven outside hearth to the simple do-it-yourselfer fireplace design and build. For an easy project try your hand at fire pit designs: You can buy gas logs inserts and create your own pit. Or, buy a simple gas fire ring and design a firepit style fireplace around it. Whatever you decide, be sure to check on local fire codes before you embark.

Related Searches:

Outdoor Fireplaces
Build a Fire Pit


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