
Commercial Patio Heaters - Efficient heating for outdoor use

Commercial patio heaters - the next time you think that a commercial patio heater is the same as any outdoor heating unit, think again. Designed for efficiency and safety, radiant propane commercial heaters make their marks on restaurant patios and terraces across the country when the chill sets in. Commercial heat provides sufficient btu to raise the outside temperatures 10 to 20 degrees.

Warm up the patio

Most commercial outdoor heating models are lightweight portable and can be easily moved. Typical commercial heaters are designed to radiate heat in a circumference of warmth; this provides cost efficient backyard heating without wasting a lot of energy.

Commercial heaters can be bought online or at local home improvement centers. Features should include a heat control knob and safety tilt switch. Also available are patio heater covers: these will help to protect your heater during winter and bad weather.

For more information about propane patio heaters, please click on the link.


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