
Do it yourself: build a barbeque and outdoor kitchen

Build a barbeque and outdoor kitchen - Building an outdoor barbeque and adding an outdoor kitchen sounds like the perfect job
for the skilled contractor, not the homeowner: Right? Not so. If you're determined to save money and don't mind getting your hands dirty, you can build your own backyard structure: kitchen and grill! (Think: concrete slab, chimney, kitchen counter, outdoor stove, built-in gas grill, and sink)!

To get started, we recommend purchasing, "Building Barbeques and Outdoor Kitchens," published by Sunset Books Inc. The book includes 16 attractive do-it-yourself projects, from simple barbecue surrounds to complete outdoor kitchens. The plans also include: pizza oven, outdoor fire pits and smokers. The only downside to this book: some design plans may be more luxurious and expensive than you desire. But as far giving you great ideas and design plans, you will definitely get your money's worth.

Book's Building details:

  • Construction tips of various designs: concrete slab to chimney.
  • Offers designs for charcoal grills and gas grills
  • Includes sketches and drawings provided with precision detail
  • Provides a thoroughly detailed design/build construction journey from inception to completion.

Also see:

freestanding fireplace

outdoor trends 2008


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